Member-only story
Reply from one of my fictional creations (Part 1 of many)
A reply from one of my creations, Butch Winchester, as he deals with issues in his life
Okay, before I get into Butch’s viewpoint for this post, I have to make this clear. I’m currently revising what I’ve got for Butch’s story into a novel, when it was originally a short story that was fast becoming a novelette. However, because of the circumstances, I’ve yet to release the story in any professional capacity. I’ll release this professionally when I know for a fact that I’m done, but that means that I have to have it fully edited, send it to a potential publisher, and, if the last one doesn’t work out, self-publish it.
May God in Heaven bless the project to be a success in the right circles. That’s all I hope for right now.
Dear Samuel… who are you supposed to be, again? You’re not a divine being, are you? Well, no matter. I just wish that you’d quit being so condescending. I mean, you sounded like it earlier.
As far as my name goes, yeah, it sounds like I need a name change… from an outside perspective. However, I’m quite happy with the name, so I…