Member-only story

On Writing

I’ve Been Chosen to Write

This is for a writing opportunity at the Writing Cooperative

Samuel Kenneth Kauffman


Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

Okay, I’d better get to the gist of this article. I’d requested to write for The Writing Cooperative, and I got approved. This was between Sunday, May 28th, and Saturday, June 3rd, 2023.

When I decided I’d write an article for this publication, I didn’t know what I’d submit, other than something about outlining. It took me a minimum of three days to write the piece, mainly because I did not know how to get it worded right. Then, on Monday the 5th, I had a jolt of lightning hit me. I needed to write this article before the end of the week, and I had a clear idea of what to do.

I will not count my chickens before they hatch, as the expression goes, because that would require knowing if my work has been accepted. However, I will tell you something about my piece. I start off talking about the differences between efficient and inefficient outlining, then I move to the methods of outlining I know.

Now, I will mention that I include pictures I captured on my computer, mainly as an example. Please keep that in mind. My choice of pictures is so that readers get my examples.

I believe that’s everything. Please wait for me to give the word about the new article I’ve submitted to The Writing Cooperative.



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