Member-only story
On Writing
I’ve Been Chosen to Write
This is for a writing opportunity at the Writing Cooperative
Okay, I’d better get to the gist of this article. I’d requested to write for The Writing Cooperative, and I got approved. This was between Sunday, May 28th, and Saturday, June 3rd, 2023.
When I decided I’d write an article for this publication, I didn’t know what I’d submit, other than something about outlining. It took me a minimum of three days to write the piece, mainly because I did not know how to get it worded right. Then, on Monday the 5th, I had a jolt of lightning hit me. I needed to write this article before the end of the week, and I had a clear idea of what to do.
I will not count my chickens before they hatch, as the expression goes, because that would require knowing if my work has been accepted. However, I will tell you something about my piece. I start off talking about the differences between efficient and inefficient outlining, then I move to the methods of outlining I know.
Now, I will mention that I include pictures I captured on my computer, mainly as an example. Please keep that in mind. My choice of pictures is so that readers get my examples.
I believe that’s everything. Please wait for me to give the word about the new article I’ve submitted to The Writing Cooperative.